Vol 12, No 1 (2016):1-9

Oral health status, knowledge, attitude and practice of patients with heart disease

Amir Alireza Rasouli-Ghahroudi, Afshin Khorsand, Siamak Yaghobee, Amirreza Rokn, Mohammad Jalali, Sima Masudi, Hamed Rahimi, Ali Kabir


BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of cardiovascular disease (CVD) patients about their oral health status.

METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, we analyzed the data of 150 CVD patients that collected by a self-administered questionnaire consists of demographic characteristics and KAP. Oral health indicators calculated based on the results of oral examination by an expert dentist.

RESULTS: CVD patients had an overall moderate level of knowledge and attitude, but their practice was lower than moderate. There were important associations between knowledge scores with gender, education, residential area and financial status, between attitude scores with education and residential area, and between practice scores with education and financial status. There were no associations between KAP and age, marital status or job. Significant positive correlations were found between KAP components. Significant negative correlations were found between oral hygiene index with knowledge and practice.

CONCLUSION: The practice of heart disease patients about their oral health was poor, and declares that increasing awareness and attitude may not promote practice. Efficient programs are needed to promote oral health practice of adult populations in special groups.


Health Knowledge; Attitudes; Practice; Oral Health; Cardiovascular Diseases

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