Vol 12, No 6 (2016):291-294

Huge mass in right side of the heart: A rare case report

Reza Ghasemi, Fahimeh Ghanei-Motlagh, Susan Nazari, Mohsen Yaghubi


BACKGROUND: The presence of primary intracardiac tumors are scarce, and most of them are myxomas. We reported, in this paper, a case with huge mass in the right side of the heart.

CASE REPORT: A 45-year-old man, with a complaint of bilateral lower limbs edema and exertional dyspnea, was admitted to intensive cardiac care unit. Cardiac auscultation revealed soft grade systolic murmur without any evidence of “tumor plop.” Echocardiography showed a huge mobile mass in right side of the heart that suggested myxoma. Our patient underwent cardiac surgery with excision of 13 cm mass. Histopathological study was confirmed the diagnosis of mass type.

CONCLUSION: In this case report, it shows that in the differential diagnosis of right-sided heart failure, the right sided myxoma must be considered. The preferable approach in patient with cardiac myxomas is surgical excision to alleviate symptoms, early identification, and removal.



Myxoma; Cardiac Surgery; Echocardiography; Case Report

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