Vol 13, No 4 (2017):161-166

Comparison of the prevalence of enteroviruses in blood samples of patients with and without unstable angina

Aida Gholoobi, Zahra Meshkat, Akram Baghani, Maryam Sadat Alavi, Toktam Mohamadpoor, Mastoureh Momen-Heravi, Mohsen Mouhebati, Samaneh Sepahi, Sina Rostami, Mojtaba Meshkat, Arash Gholoobi


BACKGROUND: Although the role of enteroviruses has been proved in heart diseases, extensive information is not available on the association between enteroviruses and unstable angina. In the present study, the authors compared the prevalence of enteroviruses in patients with and without unstable angina.

METHODS: Blood samples were taken from 51 patients with unstable angina and 55 patients without unstable angina or myocardial infarction that were admitted to Imam Reza and Ghaem hospitals (Mashhad, northeast of Iran). Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed using specific primers for the detection of the enteroviruses in blood samples of study subjects.

RESULTS: Patients with and without unstable angina were similar in age with mean ± standard deviation of 62.6 ± 12.8 and 59.7 ± 12.7 years, respectively (P = 0.243) and there were no differences in gender in these two groups (P = 0.174). Prevalence of the enteroviruses in patients with unstable angina was higher only in 66-80 years age group compared to the control group (patients without unstable angina, P = 0.032). There was a higher prevalence of enterovirus RNA positivity in the blood samples of women with unstable angina (75.9%) than those without unstable angina (41.7%, P = 0.011), however, no significant difference was observed in men
(P = 0.983).

CONCLUSION: Our data showed that enteroviral RNA positivity was higher in patients with unstable angina compared to those without unstable angina. However, the differences between the two groups were not statistically significant.




Unstable Angina; Enterovirus; Reverse Transcriptase PCR

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