Vol 13, No 5 (2017):205-210

Gensini scores and well-being states among patients with coronary artery disease: A comparison study

Reza Rostami, Mahdi Najafi, Reza Sarami, Ali Bozorgi, Majid Soltani, Payman Salamati


BACKGROUND: World Health Organization (WHO) considered Mental Health Continuum (MHC) as a good instrument for well-being studies. Moreover, gensini score (GS) is an intensity index for coronary artery disease (CAD). The aim of our study was to compare GSs among patients who had coronary artery disease with different well-being states.

METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Tehran Heart Center, Iran, in 2013. The study population consisted of 50 non-depressed patients who were candidates for coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). All of the participants were interviewed according to the Iranian version of Mental Health Continuum (IV-MHC) and were allocated to flourishing, maternal mental health (MMH) and languishing states based on the related classification criteria. GS was calculated for each participant. Data were analyzed by SPSS.

RESULTS: Forty one (82%) patients were in flourishing, 9 (18%) in MMH and nobody was in languishing states. The mean (standard deviation) of GS was 90.43 (44.424) and 89.67 (33.378) for flourishing and MMH ones, respectively (P = 0.962). There was no statistically significant correlation between GSs and well-being states (all Ps > 0.050).

CONCLUSION: Considering IV-MHC classification, all of our patients were only allocated to flourishing and MMH states. There was no relationship between intensity of CAD and the states (P > 0.050). We recommend further research with larger sample sizes for better evaluation of the Iranian version of the instrument.



Coronary Artery Disease; Depression; Mental Health; Iran

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