Vol 14, No 3 (2018):132-138

Physicians' knowledge, attitudes, and practice for hypertension management: A cross-sectional study in Hormozgan province, Iran

Hossein Farshidi, Marzieh Nikparvar, Iran Rostami-Qeshmi, Roghaieh Ezzati-Rad, Afsoon Piroozan, Elham Boushehri

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22122/arya.v14i3.1674


BACKGROUND: Hypertension is a common risk factor for developing cardiovascular, brain, and kidney disorders; and today, it affects about one billion people worldwide. Insufficient clinical knowledge of the practitioners and family physicians and not following the guidelines has led to the improper control of hypertension. This study intended to investigate the knowledge, attitude, and practice of general practitioners (GPs) about hypertension in Hormozgan province, Iran.

METHODS: This cross-sectional study used consecutive sampling method. A three-part researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data on demographic, attitude, knowledge, and practice information from 220 GPs working in Hormozgan province.

RESULTS: The mean and standard deviation (SD) of scores on knowledge, practice, and attitude of GPs about hypertension management were (5.00 ± 0.50), (10.00 ± 0.02) and (9.00 ± 0.15), respectively; which present a proper state. Attending training courses and increased work experience have statistically significant effects on the knowledge and attitude of GPs
(P < 0.050). The only exception was the area of practice, where there was no significant relationship between the practitioners’ work experience and their practice (P = 0.266).

CONCLUSION: The results of this study can be utilized by decision-makers and general medicine curriculum designers to plan effective training courses for medical graduates to be used in clinical settings for health promotions.



Hypertension; Attitude; Knowledge; Practice; General Practitioner

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