Vol 15, No 2 (2019):74-81

Factors in relation with fatigue and illness perception in patients with myocardial infarction and the changes in fatigue due to intervention on illness perception: Research design, methodology, and preliminary results

Reza Bagherian-Sararoudi, Mohammadreza Maracy, Hamid Sanei, Mansoor Shiri

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22122/arya.v15i2.1888


BACKGROUND: In physical diseases including cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), illness perception (IP) plays an important role in illness outcomes. Fatigue is a major bothersome symptom after myocardial infarction (MI). This manuscript presents the research design, methodology, and primary findings of a study on factors in relation with fatigue and IP in patients with MI, and changes in fatigue after intervention on IP.

METHODS: 241 patients with MI who experienced a first-time acute MI (AMI) participated in this study in 2016-2017. During hospitalization, the demographic and clinical information of participants were collected. After four months, the information regarding fatigue, IP, coping with stress, type D personality, perceived social support (PSS), and locus of control of the participants was collected at their houses. About one year later, based on the results of phase one of the study, a psychoeducation course was conducted for 35 of the patients as intervention group while 36 patients were supervised as control group. Two months later, the role of IP in fatigue changes of the participants was assessed.

RESULTS: 155 (65%) of the patients had positive family history of coronary heart disease (CHD). 103 (43%) were cigarette smokers, 100 (43.5%) had high blood cholesterol, and 72 (30%) had sedentary life style before MI.

CONCLUSION: The overview of the factors related to fatigue and IP of the patients with MI could help the care teams to provide better care in the recovery period of the illness.



Myocardial Infarction; Perception; Fatigue; Education; Structural Equation Modeling

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