Vol 7, No 3: Fall 2011:93-96

Comparing anxiety in cardiac patients candidate for angiography with normal population

Zohreh Khayyam Nekouei, Alireza Yousefy, Golamreza manshaee, Shekofeh Nickneshan


BACKGROUND: This study aimed to compare the anxiety of cardiac patients candidate for angiography with normal population in Isfahan province.


METHODS: The study population included 109 people, 53 cardiac patients referring to Chamran Cardiology Hospital in Isfahan for angiography and 56 people without cardiac disease. Data were collected by Cattle anxiety scale. In addition, demographic data of the sample population were collected at the same time using another questionnaire.


RESULTS: Independent t-test showed a significant difference between the anxiety of cardiac patients candidate for angiography and non-cardiac people (P < 0.001). Moreover, the differences between the amount of obvious anxiety and hidden anxiety in the two groups were significant (P < 0.001 for both).


CONCLUSION: The results showed that cardiac disease and diagnosis instruments, especially angiography, cause anxiety in patients. Therefore, evaluating this anxiety and applying proper techniques to reduce this anxiety is necessary.


Keywords: Anxiety, Cardiac Patients, Angiography, Normal Population.

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