:2287 (15 September 2021) DOI:10.22122/arya.v17i0.2287

Report of persistent left superior vena cava associated with Ebstein’s anomaly of tricuspid valve

Zahra Khajali, Maryam Aliramezany


BACKGROUND: Ebstein’s anomaly is one of the challenging congenital heart diseases (CHDs) that is presented with different anatomical and clinical symptoms. For this reason, patients with this complication require exact diagnostic methods and appropriate treatment approaches. In addition, multiple cardiac defects accompany this anomaly.

CASE REPORT: In this study, we describe a rare associated defect in an adult patient with Ebstein’s anomaly and proper surgical methods performed for her.

CONCLUSION: The most important issue in adult patients with Ebstein’s anomaly is to pay close attention to the presence of associated anomalies, in which careful examination and use of para-clinical methods is very helpful. Furthermore, accurate diagnosis of the associated defects determines the treatment and surgery of patients.


Ebstein Anomaly; Heart Defects; Congenital; Left Superior Vena Cava

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