Vol 8: Special Issue in National Hypertension Treatment 2012:S145-S148

The efficacy of wet cupping in the treatment of hypertension

Mohammad Zarei, Shirin Hejazi, Seyed Ali Javadi, Hojatollah Farahani


   BACKGROUND: Wet cupping is an old method that is still used in medicine, but few empirical studies have been done about its effect on hypertension. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of wet cupping on blood pressure in 35-60 year old patients who were diagnosed with hypertension.

   METHODS: This study was a random, controlled, clinical trial and samples were 42 patients who referred to Imam Hussein Clinic of Quchan. Samples were determined by purposive sampling method and divided randomly into two groups. Samples of the cupping group were prescribed a series of 3 staged wet cupping treatments at 2 week intervals, and the participants in the control group were only prescribed medication. Blood pressure was measured (for the two groups) at the base line and at 42 days post treatment. Analysis was done by SPSS software version 17. Statistical methods used included independent t-test, paired t-test, and Fisher’s exact test.

   RESULTS: The study subjects of wet cupping and control groups do not show significant difference in the independent t-test for age, body mass index, duration of hypertension, and duration of antihypertensive drugs, and the two groups are homogeneous with P = 0.983,
P = 0.682, P = 0.770, and P = 0.540 respectively. Independent t-test results showed a significant difference in systolic blood pressure in the cupping group before and after wet cupping course
(P < 0.05).

   CONCLUSION: With regard to the increasing use of wet cupping in the treatment of a wide group of illnesses and the clients' satisfaction, presenting suitable and proper use, informing people about its usage, and supervising the above-mentioned centers should be considered by authorities.



Keywords: Blood Pressure, Wet Cupping, Complementary Medicine, Hypertension

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