Vol 7, No 4: Winter 2012:142-145

Comparison of changes in serum fibrinogen level in primary intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) and ischemic stroke

Ahmad Chitsaz, Sayed Ali Mousavi, Yamen Yousef, Vahab Mostafa


associated with increased risk of stroke. This study aimed to determine the type of stroke and
the role of fibrinogen in stroke type.
METHODS: This case-control study comprised 58 hospitalized patients with intracranial
hemorrhage (ICH) and ischemic stroke. Demographic and clinical characteristics, type of stroke
and fibrinogen level were collected after starting the treatment.
RESULTS: The prevalence of ICH was higher in men than in women so that 60% of men and
39.3% of women in this study were diagnosed with this type of stroke. In contrast, the
corresponding figures for ischemic stroke were 40% and 60.7%, respectively. Statistical analysis
by chi-square test revealed significant difference in the type of stoke in terms of gender
(P = 0.026). The mean fibrinogen levels was lower in patients with ICH (348 ± 96 mg/dl) than
in patients with ischemic stroke (381 ± 126 mg/dl), however this difference was not statistically
significant (P = 0.12). Fibrinogen levels were significantly higher in women than in men
(390 ± 111 vs. 340 ± 110 mg/dl, respectively, P = 0.017).
CONCLUSION: Although the mean fibrinogen level was not significantly different in ICH and
ischemic stroke patients, it is recommended to examine the serum fibrinogen and its related
factors at least for those patients with non-modifiable risk factors and in particular for those
with family history and genetic background.
Keywords: Cardiovascular Diseases; Ischemic Stroke; Fibrinogen.

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