
Complete heart block in a patient with POEMS syndrome: A case report

Farzaneh Ashrafi, Ali Darakhshandeh, Pardis Nematolahy, Alireza Khosravi


BACKGROUND: Polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal syndrome (POEMS) is a rare paraneoplastic syndrome associated with plasma cell dyscrasia.

CASE REPORT: A 48-year-old man presented with a 1-year history of paresthesia and progressive weakness of extremities. Diagnosis of POEMS syndrome was made for him on the basis of clinical presentation, additional physical findings, typical sclerotic bone lesion, and bone marrow findings. In last admission, he explained episodes of dyspnea and chest pain that associated with frequent premature ventricular contraction in his electrocardiograph. Patient heart monitoring showed some episodes of complete heart block. Infra-His atrioventricular block in electro-physiologic study was detected. He had no history of ischemic heart disease. His cardiopulmonary findings on examination were normal. All results of cardiac biomarkers and serum electrolytes and repeated echocardiography were within normal range. Cong red staining of rectal fat pad biopsy was negative. After pacemaker insertion radiation of sclerotic bone, lesion started for him, but radiotherapy was ineffective, and he expired with respiratory failure. Complete heart block in POEMS syndrome has not been reported previously, and it is the first POEMS case with complete heart block.

CONCLUSION: Complete heart block is a cardiac manifestation of POEMS syndrome.


Keywords: Complete Heart Block, POEM Syndrome, Multiple Meloma


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