
A case of Marfan’s syndrome with multi-level aortic dissections

Alireza Khosravi, Mohaddeseh Behjati, Peyman Nilforoush, Mahmoud Saieedi, Abbas Balouchi


BACKGROUND: Although Marfan’s syndrome is a disease with various phenotypes, but the major mechanism of death is cardiovascular complication. Aortic dissection is a major cause of death in Marfan syndrome.

CASE REPORT: A 30-year-old man with severe refractory chest and left flank pain and history of previously surgically repaired Type A aortic dissection was referred to the hospital. His typical manifestations of Marfan’s syndrome were identified. Cardiovascular imaging showed an acute spiral dissection in the descending aorta extending to the left renal and femoral arteries with no evidence of thrombosis in its huge false lumen (8 cm). By the diagnosis of acute, expanded, spiral, Type B aortic dissection, he underwent the stent grafting of dissected aorta. He discharged without any complication. On follow-up cardiovascular imaging, thrombosed false lumen in stented aorta from descending aorta to the proximal abdominal aorta was seen.

CONCLUSION: Endovascular treatment of Type B dissection is an effective treatment in Type B dissection, even in patients with Marfan syndrome.



Marfan’s Syndrome, Aortic Dissection, Endovascular Graft

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