Spring 2007

ARYA Atherosclerosis3120101208RISK FACTORS AND ETIOLOGY OF TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACKS IN PATIENTS WITH BRAIN INFARCTION100100ENKavianGhandehariMD, FLSP, Associate Professor of Neurology, Ghaem Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS), Mashhad, Iran.. kavianghandehari@yahoo.comMohammad MehdiEtemadi20101204  Abstract INTRODUCTION: Transient ischemic attacks (TIA) are warnings of future stroke. There is no difference in risk factors, pathophysiology and prevention between TIA and brain infarction. methods: Consecutive patients with brain infarction admitted to Ghaem Hospital, Mashhad, Northeastern Iran, were enrolled in a prospective study during 2006. Diagnosis of ischemic stroke was established by a neurologist who also obtained history of TIA and vascular risk factors. All of the stroke patients underwent a standard battery of diagnostic investigations and etiology of ischemic stroke was determined by the Practical Iranian Criteria classification. Fisher’s exact test was used for statistical analysis. results: 348 stroke patients (186 women, 162 men) were studied. History of TIA was present in 42 patients (29 women, 13 men), i.e. 12% of the stroke patients. TIA was more common in women (df=1, P=0.02). The frequency of hypertension, diabetes and ipsilateral carotid stenosis was not significantly different between patients with history of TIA and other stroke patients (P=0.87, P=0.64 and P=0.61, respectively). Hyper-cholesterolemia and smoking were significantly more frequent in stroke patients with history of TIA (P=0.011 and P=0.014, respectively). The frequency of TIA was not significantly different among patients with lacunar, versus large vessel territory infarcts (df=1, P=0.84). There was no significant difference in the frequency of various stroke etiologies in patients with and without history of TIA (df=4, P=0.61). CONCLUSIONS: Stroke patients with history of TIA have vascular risk factors similar to other stroke patients. A positive history of TIA does not affirm any specific etiology of ischemic stroke.     Keywords: Risk factors, etiology, transient ischemic attacks.


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