Spring 2006

ARYA Atherosclerosis2120101208ASSESSMENT OF SOME ATHEROSCLEROSIS RISK FACTORS IN CHILDREN OF PATIENTS WITH YOUNG STROKE130130ENAliMousaviMD, Associate Professor of Neurology, Isfahan University of Medical sciences.. kelishadi@med.mui.ac.irHosseinGhahremaniAhmadChitsazFaridehMazaheriRoyaKelishadi20101207AbstractINTRODUCTION: Cerebral strokes below the age of 45 account for up to 3% of allstrokes. Given that atherosclerotic thrombotic factors are the most frequent etiology ofcerebrovascular accidents (CVA) second to cardioembolic causes, and that children offamilies with sequels of premature atherosclerosis are considered to be at risk, weassessed atherosclerosis risk factors and antiphospholipid antibody (APL-Ab) levels inchildren of patients with young stroke (YS) and without cardioembolic causes incomparison to controls.METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 27 children of patients withYS due to non-cardiac causes (case group) and 2 control groups, one with 52 children ofpatients with stroke after the age of 50, and the other with 55 children without the historyof stroke in their parents. Findings were analyzed with SPSS using ANOVA test.RESULTS: The mean values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, LDL-C andApoB100 in the case group were significantly higher and mean HDL-C and ApoA1 weresignificantly lower in the case group. The number of APL-Ab-positive cases was larger inthe case group. The other assessed variables were not different between the two controlgroups.CONCLUSIONS: Atherosclerotic thrombotic risk factors were more prevalent in childrenof patients with atherosclerotic thrombotic cerebral YS than in controls. Primordial andprimary prevention of these risk factors should be considered in children of thesefamilies.Key Words: Young stroke, risk factors, children, prevention.


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