Spring 2006

ARYA Atherosclerosis2120101208LIPID PROFILE OF CHILDREN WITH TYPE I DIABETES COMPARED TO CONTROLS135135ENSusanFaghih ImaniMahinHashemipourMD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Isfahan Metabolism and Endocrinology Research Cente.. hashemipour@med.mui.ac.irRoyaKelishadi20101207AbstractINTRODUCTION: Diabetes mellitus in the most common endocrine-metabolic diseasein children and is associated with cardiovascular disease risk factors. This study aimed tocompare the lipid profile of diabetic children with controls.METHODS: In this case-control study, the lipid profiles and lipoprotein levels of 45children aged 2-18 years with established diabetes were compared with those of 45healthy controls.RESULTS: Mean apolipoprotein A and triglyceride levels in the cases were higher inthan in controls, while mean apolipoprotein B and lipoprotein a, as well as total, LDL andHDL cholesterol were higher in controls.CONCLUSIONS: Better apolipoprotein levels and lipid profiles in diabetic children ascompared to controls were likely due to tight nutritional control in diabetic patientsunder study.Key Words: Diabetes mellitus, lipid profile, apolipoproteins, children.


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