Fall 2006

ARYA Atherosclerosis2320101208ISCHEMIC STROKE: RISK FACTORS AND DISTURBANCE OF CONSCIOUSNESS (A HOSPITAL-BASED STUDY)162162ENHamzullahKhanB.S., No 104, Qasim Hall Hostel, Khyber Medical College, Post office: campus branch, University of Peshawar, Postal code: 25120, Peshawar, PAKISTAN.. hamza_kmc@yahoo.comMuhammadZarif20101208  Abstract INTRODUCTION: This prospective observational study was conducted to determine the risk factors and disturbance of consciousness level in stroke patients in the medical wards of Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan, from June 2005 to August 2006. methods: A questionnaire was prepared in accordance with the objectives of the study. The questionnaire contained detailed history, general physical examination, and neurological examination. Prognosis of the disease was studied with the help of Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) (severity of unconsciousness) scoring system. results: One-hundred and eighty-three patients with established diagnosis of stroke were selected. Forty-seven (25.68%) had more than one risk factor. The age range of the patients was 31-92 years with mean age of 57 years. Out of total, 111 (60.65%) were male and 72 (39.34%) were female. The distribution of risk factors was as follows: hypertension 95 (51.91%), diabetes 56 (30.60%), hyperlipidemia 21 (11.47%), smoking 23 (12.56%), ischemic heart diseases 21(11.47%), atrial fibrillation 5 (2.73%), obesity 5 (2.73%), physical inactivity 2 (1.09%), history of heparin or warfarin use 2 (1.09%), and history of oral contraceptive use 1 (0.54%). The prognosis of the disease based on the GCS scoring system (severity of unconsciousness) was studied only in 122 (66.66%) patients. Out of 122 patients, 42.62% had scores greater than ten, 35.24% between 6 and 10, and 22.13% less than five. CONCLUSIONS: Hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and smoking are major modifiable risk factors of stroke in our patients. More than half of the patients had unsatisfactory GCS scores, which indicates poorer prognosis.     Keywords: Stroke, Risk factors, Loss of consciousness, Peshawar.


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