Winter 2007

ARYA Atherosclerosis2420101208TRAINING PARENTS OR CHILDREN? WHICH IS MORE SUCCESSFUL IN CONTROLLING PASSIVE SMOKING?169169ENRoyaKelishadiM.D., Associate Professor, Preventive Pediatric Cardiology Dept., Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences..  Abstract INTRODUCTION: Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) has been shown to have adverse health hazards for children. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of two intervention programs for controlling passive smoking in children based on their serum cotinine level. methods: In this trial, 40 children, aged 8-12 years, who were exposed to ETS were randomly assigned to two groups of equal number. In the first the parents (group P), and in the second group the children (group C) were educated about the harmful effects of passive smoking. Children's blood sample was taken for serum cotinine measurement before and after intervention in both groups. Data were analyzed by SPSSv13/win using paired t-test. results: Smoking allowed inside home decreased in both groups; however, this decrease in group C was significantly higher than in group P. Serum cotinine concentration decreased in both groups with a more prominent decrease in group C. CONCLUSIONS: Education of children can be an effective method for controlling passive smoking. This type of education can be effective for lifestyle change in the entire family.     Keywords: Passive smoking, children, parent, education, prevention.


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