Spring 2005

ARYA Atherosclerosis1120101219BLOOD PRESSURE LEVELS AND TRENDS OF OBESITY IN HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS VERSUS HEALTH INDIVIDUALS: ISFAHAN 1991-2001188188ENAlirezaKhosraviCardiologist. Chief of High Blood Pressure Research Unit, Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center, Isfahan.. khosravi@crc.mui.ac.irRezvanAnsariShahinShirani20101219ABSTRACT Introduction: Obesity is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Several clinical studies have shown that blood pressure decreases significantly with reduction of body weight. The aim of this study was to assess the trend of hypertension and obesity according to body mass index in three descriptive cross-sectional studies conducted in the city of Isfahan during a period of ten years. Methods: This study consisted of three cross-sectional surveys conducted among the population of over-25 individuals in Isfahan. Sampling was performed with the random clustering method. The blood pressure of subjects was checked twice, one week apart. Blood pressure measurement was conducted by an experienced nurse. Raw data was statistically analyzed with SPSS10, with t-test and ANOVA. Results: During 3 surveys conducted in 1991-1992, 1995-1996, and 2000-2001 in the over-25 population in Isfahan, 2438, 3234, and 2015 individuals were studied, respectively. Mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) decreased significantly in all groups (P<0.005). However, decrease in (DBP) was significant only in men and women who were under treatment with antihypertensive drugs (P<0.05).  In all hypertensive groups under study and in health subjects, there was an increase in body mass index (BMI). This increase had a more notable trend in hypertensive groups, compared with healthy individuals. The prevalence of obesity in hypertensive patients was higher than that of the healthy group during the ten years of the study. Discussion: Obesity has had a rising prevalence during the last ten years in hypertensive and healthy individuals. In light of the importance of weight control in hypertensive patients, it is recommendable as a primary prevention measure.   Keywords: Trend, Hypertension, Obesity, Isfahan


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