Spring 2005

ARYA Atherosclerosis1120101219An abridged guideline for Acute Stroke Management192192ENShahramOveisgharanNeurology Department; Shariati Hospital; Tehran University of Medical Sciences; Tehran.. oveisgharan@edc.mui.ac.irAkbarSoltanzadehAskarGhorbani20101219Stroke is one of the most prevalent and disabling disease in human being. Approximately 700000 strokes occur each year in the United States, leaving 500 000 stroke survivors with disability, and economic loss resulting from stroke approaches an estimated $51.2 billion annually 1. What comes below is stroke management guideline used at Massachusetts General Hospital (at Harvard medical school) in year 2005 2. This presentation is an abridged form of the proposed guideline. At the end, some comments and recommendations are presented regarding acute stroke management in Iran.  


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