Vol 8: Special Issue in National Hypertension Treatment 2012:S199-S201

ARYA Atheroscler0020121215Assessment of non-pharmacologic treatments of hypertension317317ENNargesNargesi KhoramabadLorestan University of Medical Sciences, Lorestan, Iran. nargesi_k@yahoo.com201112142012073020121018BACKGROUND: Hypertension is the most risky factor of coronary artery disease and strokes. Attention to non-pharmacologic treatment can be one of the most important goals in treating hypertension. The aim of this study is the assessment of effective non-pharmacologic methods of hypertension. METHODS: In this review study, books, articles and some sites that are related to non-pharmacologic methods of treatment of hypertension were used. Then, the subjects were studied and the obtained findings were compiled as an essay. RESULTS: The appropriate planning for regular control of blood pressure, reduction of dietary salt intake, caloric restriction (to prevent obesity, and reduce consumption of saturated fats and cholesterol) elimination of environmental stress, regular exercise, and periodic control of blood pressure can prevent its complications. Among the non-pharmacologic treatment methods that are used to treat and control hypertension are progressive relaxation technique, massaging therapy, family counseling, and quitting smoking. CONCLUSION: Findings indicate that non-pharmacologic treatment can reduce complications and risk factors of hypertension, and sometimes even be used as initial treatment for hypertension. KEYWORDS: Hypertension, Treatment, Non-pharmacologic Methods    


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