Vol 8, No 1: Spring 2012:1-4

ARYA Atherosclerosis8120120318The prevalence of hypertension among the elderly in patients in Al-Zahra Hospital, Isfahan, Iran321321ENMinaMoeiniGeneral Practitioner, Hypertension Research Center, Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Institute, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. moein.m.phy@gmail.comHabibollahMokhtariFatemehAdibiNargesLotfizadehMasoumehMoeini2011121920120104   BACKGROUND: In this study, we discussed aging and common diseases associated with it which can lead to hospitalization. Hypertension was also evaluated as one of the factors affecting morbidity and mortality in elderly people.      METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, data was collected using checklists and extracting information from medical records in Al-Zahra Hospital (Isfahan, Iran). Data was then analyzed using descriptive statistics according to the research questions in SPSS.    RESULTS: A total number of 11,018 people aged 60-99 years were studied. Cardiovascular diseases were the most common cause of hospitalization (2063 patients (18.7%)). In patients with cardiovascular diseases, 84 were suffering from hypertension, 76 had primary hypertension, 7 had hypertensive heart disease with or without congestive heart failure, and 1 had secondary hypertension. Among all hypertensive patients, there were 37 males (44.05%) and 47 females (55.95%). Moreover, 34 people aged 60-69, 30 aged 70-79, 18 aged 80-89 and 2 aged 90-99 years. Duration of hospitalization was less than 1 day for 12 people, 1-2 days for 27, 3-5 days for 25, 6-10 days for 14, 15-11 days for 6, and more than 15 days for 1 person.     CONCLUSION: Prevention and treatment of hypertension is important in order to control this disease. Untreated or poorly/untimely controlled hypertension would thus leave permanent side effects. It may thus leave sustained side effects if remain untreated or poorly/untimely controlled. However, people with hypertension were in minority in our study. Therefore, more research in this field with larger sample size is necessary for further identification of factors affecting quality of life in elderly people.   Keywords: Elderly, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease, Hospitalized


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