Fall 2009

ARYA Atherosclerosis5319700101METHODS OF IMPLEMENTING THE OPERATIONAL PHASES OF THE HEALTH PROFESSIONALS EDUCATION PROJECT- ISFAHAN HEALTHY HEART PROGRAM (IHHP-HPEP)3333ENAhmadBahonarMD, MPH, Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan.. bahonarahmad@gmail.comAlirezaKhosraviHosseinEsmaeelianAnahitaBabakNizalSarrafzadeghanMohamadrezaRahmatiAhmadJamshidiMaryamAzadPouyaDaneshvar2010113020101130Abstract    BACKGROUND: Knowledge, attitude and practices of health professionals influence the health awareness of clients presenting to the centers for health and treatment. This project was designed and conducted to increase the knowledge and improve the attitudes and practices of health professionals at all levels of the health system, towards prevention and control, as well as diagnosis and treatment of non-communicable diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases.    METHODS: The study consisted of three phases: situation analysis, intervention, and re-evaluation. To perform situation analysis, we applied randomized cluster sampling and selected 2000 health workers from the target population. Identical methods were used in control and intervention communities. We designed a questionnaire and determined its reliability and validity.    RESULTS: Essential training on risk factors, healthy nutrition, and ways of coping with stress and maintaining adequate physical activity were taught to the target groups via seminars integrated into the health professionals’ in-service continuing education program. The educational materials consisted of books and leaflets.     CONCLUSION: Awareness, attitude and practices of health professionals affect the outcome of efforts towards prevention and control of non-communicable diseases and their risk factors both in the society, and in the health professionals’ community. Multiple educational interventions in this study can help to rein in non-communicable diseases.      Keywords: Cardiovascular disease, Risk factors, Health education, Prevention, Community-based interventions.


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