Vol 8, No 1: Spring 2012:9-11

ARYA Atherosclerosis8120120318The impact of prothrombin (G20210A) gene mutation on stroke in youths344344ENMohammadSaadatniaAssistant Professor, Isfahan Neurosciences Research Center, Isfahan Medical Education Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. saadatnia@med.mui.ac.irMansourSalehiGildaAminiNajmehSeyyed Agha Miri2011122520120312   BACKGROUND: Stroke in young adults is a known but abnormal disease. Several recent studies have discussed the correlation between existence of coagulation factors such as V Leiden and prothrombin mutation (G20210A) as risk factors for incidence of stroke. The present study investigated the frequency of prothrombin gene mutation and its impact on incidence of ischemic stroke in Iranian youth.    METHODS: This was a case-control study using convenient sampling method on seventy six 18 to 50-year-old people provided that they did not have classical risk factors for stroke. Case group comprised 22 patients with ischemic stroke (15 males and 7 females). Fifty four healthy people (17 males and 37 females) were selected as the control group. Participants in both groups were recruited within 26 months (23.9.2007 to 21.11.2009) in Al-Zahra Hospital, Isfahan.    RESULTS: Prothrombin was not found in any of the studied patients. Heterozygous mutation was observed in one of the samples of the control group (1.85%).    CONCLUSION: Despite the known effect of prothrombin gene mutation on incidence of venous thrombosis, it does not seem this factor, as an independent factor, can be considered as a risk factor to create ischemic stroke in people who do not have other risk factor.   Keywords: Prothrombin Mutation, Stroke, Youth, Risk Factor.  


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