Fall 2009

ARYA Atherosclerosis5319700101ARE COMMUNITY –BASED INTERVENTION PROGRAMS EFFECTIVE IN THE YOUTH POPULATION? RESULTS FROM ISFAHAN HEALTHY HEART PROGRAM3535ENHamidrezaRoohafzaAssistant Professor of Psychiatry, Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Isfahan.. roohafza@crc.mui.ac.irNizalSarafzadeganMaryamShahnamHamidrezaToloueiMehrabSharifiAhmadNavabAbdolhamidAnsariporHeidaraliKhanbaziMohhamadmehdiMirzaiiKhaterehAzadDjafarAnarakiMasoumehSadeghiFirozehSajadiShahnazShahrokhiMarziehSaidiGholamhoseinSadri Pharm20101130Abstract    BACKGROUND: Although the relationship between unhealthy lifestyle and development of non-communicable diseases in the youth has been understood but intervention studies to improve lifestyle behaviors in this age group are low. Consequently, this study was performed to highlight important intervention activity of a NCD prevention and health promotion program for young people and to present its main results in Iran.    METHODS: The Youth Intervention Project (YIP) as a part of Isfahan Healthy Heart Program (IHHP) was carried out on all the youth aged 19-25 years in Isfahan and Najafabad counties as intervention areas and Arak as control area. The target groups could be reached in Red Crescent Society, universities, and garrisons. Multifactorial interventions included healthy nutrition, physical activity, coping with stress, and tobacco cessation by more emphasis on hookah smoking. Also, enforcing no-smoking regulations in teahouses and coffee shops was considered.    RESULTS: After performing multifactorial interventions, the change of fast food consumption frequency was statistically significant in comparison between intervention and control areas (P for trend<0.05). Percentage of individuals with high stress level were more significant in intervention area compared with control area (P for trend<0.05). Smoking was increased among men and women in both areas whereas the increase was higher in control area (P for trend<0.05). Although daily physical activity frequency was increased in intervention areas but it wasn’t significant compared with control area. Also, decreased trend of carbonated drink consumption were not significant in intervention area compared with control area.     CONCLUSION: The lifestyle modification program in the youth was successfully implemented and was shown to have improved some of the youth’s lifestyle behaviors related to healthy lifestyle.      Keywords: Intervention,The youth, Non-communicable disease, Lifestyle.


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