Vol 8: Special Issue in National Hypertension Treatment 2012:S163-S168

ARYA Atheroscler0020121215The frequency of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy in maternal deaths in Isfahan Province, Iran376376ENPejmanAghdakGeneral Practitioner, MPH, Head of Family Health and Population Group, Health vice Chancellery of Isfahan Medical University, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. aghdak@yahoo.comShahlaShahidiNadiaRahimiMaryamMontazeri2012021820120409   BACKGROUND: The findings of incidence or prevalence studies can help managers and policy makers evaluate the degree of changes and its relation with the performed interventions. This study aimed to determine the frequency of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy in maternal deaths that occurred during 2006-10 in Isfahan Province, Iran.    METHODS: This descriptive, cross-sectional study assessed all maternal deaths that occurred during 2006-10 in Isfahan. Data was collected by reviewing available documents using a checklist whose validity has been approved by experts. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and chi-square and Fisher's exact tests in SPSS12.    RESULTS: In total, 58 women who had died due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth were studied. The mean age of the subjects was 30.2 ± 6.5 years (range: 17-45 years). From 22.4% of maternal deaths which were due to gestational hypertension, 92.3% were preeclampsia and eclampsia. One case of chronic hypertension (7.7%) was also observed. Other types of hypertension in pregnancy were not detected. The first direct cause of maternal death was hypertension disorders. Underlying diseases (36.2%) and bleeding (18.9%) were the other major causes of death.    CONCLUSION: The number of deaths caused by blood pressure disorders, as a direct and important factor in maternal deaths, reduced during the 5-year course of study. In order to improve pregnancy outcomes, measures should be taken for early detection and diagnosis of these disorders.       Keywords: Hypertension, Pregnancy, Maternal Mortality Rate, Preeclampsia, Eclampsia


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