Vol 8, No 3: Fall 2012:153-157

ARYA Atherosclerosis8320121009Comparative interrater reliability of Asian Stroke Disability Scale, modified Rankin Scale and Barthel Index in patients with brain infarction443443ENKavianGhandehariProfessor, Cerebrovascular Research Center, Neuroscience Research Center, Department of Neurology, School of Medicine Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran. kavianghandehari@yahoo.comKosarGhandehariGhazalehSaffarian-TousiShahramMasoudinezhadSiamakYazdaniAliNouraddinSaeedEbrahimzadehFahimehAhmadiFatemehAbrishamchi201206032012092320120921BACKGROUND: This study tried to develop an Asian Stroke Disability Scale (ASDS) and compared its interrater reliability with modified Rankin Scale (mRS) and Barthel Index (BI). METHODS: Three items including self-care, mobility, and daily activities were selected as variables for development of the ASDS. The variables were provisionally graded on a 2- to 4-point scale based on the importance of each item. Each of the variables was categorized into 3 categories. Afterward, 125 rater-patient assessments for each scale (mRS, BI, and ASDS) were performed on 25 stroke patients by 5 raters. For categorization of functional impairment as minor or major, the scores of mRS, BI and ASDS were categorized as ≤2, >2; ≥90, <90 and <3, ≥3, respectively. 125 rater-patient assessments for each of the mRS, BI, and ASDS were performed on 25 stroke patients by five raters. RESULTS: The quantitative variability of BI, mRS, and ASDS scores was not significant (P = 0.379; P = 0.780; and P = 0.835, respectively). Interrater variability of mRS, BI, and ASDS scores based on qualitative categorization was not significant (P = 1.000; P = 0.978; and P = 0.901, respectively). Paired interrater variability of mRS, BI, and ASDS scores based on qualitative categorization was not significant (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: The ASDS is easy to use, requires less than 1 minute to complete and is as valid as mRS and BI in assessment of functional impairment of patients with stroke. Keywords: Stroke, Disability, Scale, Validation


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