
ARYA Atheroscler9220130314Percutaneous coronary intervention of an obstructive left anterior descending artery with anomalous origin of right coronary artery164166ENLaxmanDubeyDepartment of Cardiology, College of Medical Sciences and Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur, Nepal. dubeylax@yahoo.com201207042012110820121006Coronary artery anomalies are a rare type of congenital anomalies with an incidence of 1.3% during routine cardiac catheterization. Anomalous origin of the coronary arteries is considered an incidental finding without clinical significance. This case describes a patient in whom evaluation of chest pain revealed an obstructive left anterior descending artery as well as an anomalous right coronary artery arising from the left coronary sinus. The patient underwent successful percutaneous coronary intervention of the left anterior descending artery and was discharged home free of angina 3 days later.   Keywords: Anomalous Right Coronary Artery, Obstructive Left Anterior Descending Artery, Percutaneous Coronary Intervention


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