Summer 2009

ARYA Atherosclerosis5219700101EFFECTS OF CITRUS LIMON BURM. F. ON SOME ATHEROSCLEROSIS RISK FACTORS IN RABBITS WITH ATHEROGENIC DIET5151ENMaryamBoshtamMS of Animal Physiology, Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan.. maryamboshtam@gmail.comGholam AliNaderiJamalMoshtaghianSeddigheAsgaryNargesJafari20101130Abstract    BACKGROUND: Dietary polyphenols have been shown to possess cardio protective effects. Recently, dietary citrus flavonoids have been associated with reduced risk of coronary heart disease in epidemiological studies. So, this study was designed to determine the effects of Citrus limon Burm. f. juice and peel on cardiovascular risk factors in male rabbits with atherogenic diet.    METHODS: Forty rabbits were randomly divided into four groups and treated 2 months as follows: 1: Hypercholesterolemic diet (HCD), 2 and 3: HCD + lemon juice (5cc daily) and lemon dried peel (1g daily), respectively and 4: normal diet.  At the baseline and the end of the study in addition to weight, biochemical factors (FBS, TC, TG, ApoA1, ApoB100, LDL, HDL) were measured in the rabbits. Blood pressure measurements were conducted directly after the intervention.    RESULTS: Compared with 4th group total cholesterol was significantly increased during the study in 3 first groups (p = 0.00). Results for HDL and LDL cholesterol were the same (p = 0.00). But compared with control group (first group), only LDL cholesterol mean value was significantly increased in group 2 (lemon juice consumer) after intervention (p<0.05). And for apolipoproteins, only ApoB100 was significantly increased in group 3 (lemon peel consumer) in comparison with control group after the intervention (p < 0.05).  Weight and FBS have not been significantly changed between the groups after interventions. Also, blood pressures did not show any significant difference between the groups.    CONCLUSION: We conclude that opposite to high amount of antioxidants in sore lemon, it not only was able to control the hyperlipidemic effects of an atherogenic diet but also increased serum LDL level and Apo B. But decision about antiatherogenic effect of this fruit, will be made after defining pathologic results.   Keywords: lipid profile, risk factor, flavonoid, rabbit, atherogenic diet, blood pressure.  


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