
ARYA Atheroscler9120130114Psychological factors and coronary heart disease102111ENZohrehKhayyam-NekoueiPhD Candidate, Department of Psychology, Isfahan Sciences and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran. khayyamnekouei@gmail.comHamidtaherNeshatdoostAlirezaYousefyMasoumehSadeghiGholamrezaManshaee2012101420121104BACKGROUND: Although psychological factors play an important role in coronary heart diseases (CHD), it seems there is a need for more researches in this respect. The present study aimed to review psychological factors, including depression, anxiety and stress related to etiology and prognosis of CHD. METHODS: This was a review on medical and psychological literatures, particularly in the years 1995-2012. RESULTS: As protective factor or risk factor, psychological factors play an important role in CHD. CONCLUSION: Given the findings of this study, it seems necessary that we pay attention to psychological factors, as independent risk factors or protective factors for CHD.   Keywords: Coronary Heart Disease, Psychological Factors, Depression, Anxiety, Stress


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