
ARYA Atheroscler9520130909Aortic valve streptococcus group B endocarditis post-extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy300302ENMohsenMeidaniMahboobehTaghaviMortezaAbdar EsfahaniIsfahan Cardiovascular Research Center, Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Institute, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. abdariranian@yahoo.com201211262013050820130223BACKGROUND: Sub-acute left-sided bacterial endocarditis is a serious condition that may present with variable clinical manifestations. Its symptoms include both sterile and infected emboli, and various immunological phenomena. CASE REPORT: This report presents a 55 year old man with frequency and dysuria after a lithotripsy and several admissions with urosepsis. Due to the suspicion of infective endocarditis echocardiography was done which confirmed streptococcus group B endocarditis. CONCLUSION: Streptococci group B is one of the rare causes of infective endocarditis, but it was observed after various producers such as lithotripsy.   Keywords: Group B Streptococci, Infective Endocarditis, Lithotripsy 


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