Spring 2009

ARYA Atherosclerosis5120101201THE RELATION BETWEEN ANXIETY AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN HEART PATIENTS5555ENZohrehKhayyam NekoueiMSc, Islamic Azad University of Khorasgan, Isfahan.. Khayyamnekouei@gmail.comAlirezaYousefySeyed Ahmad RezaKhayyam NekoueiMasoumehSadeqhi20101201Abstract    BACKGROUND: The study aims to determine the relationship between anxiety and quality of life in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD).    METHODS: Study participants included 56 CAD patients referred to Chamran Heart Center and Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center both affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Sampling was random and Cattle anxiety scale and McNew quality of life questionnaire were used for data collection. A questionnaire was filled in for demographic characteristics. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis.    RESULTS: The findings showed a strong significant inverse correlation between anxiety and quality of life in CAD patients. The strongest correlation among anxiety (manifest-hidden) and quality of life categories (physical -emotional – social category) was that between manifest anxiety and different categories of quality of life.     CONCLUSION: Considering the significant relation between anxiety and quality of life in CAD patients, it is recommended to include methods of controlling anxiety in the treatment program of these patients.      Keywords: anxiety, manifest anxiety, cardiovascular disease, quality of life.


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