
ARYA Atheroscler9320130513Traumatic right pericardial laceration with tension pneumopericardium associated with hemodynamic instability: A case report210212ENSeyhanYılmazAyşegülKOÇYıldırım Beyazıt University, Ankara, Turkey. aysegulkocmeister@gmail.com201212232013021520130214BACKGROUND: Pneumopericardium is a rare complication following thoracic trauma, and urgent treatment is rendered necessary when it causes tension pneumopericardium due to cardiac tamponade. CASE REPORT: The case presented here is a right pericardial laceration with tension pneumopericardium due to falling from a height, presenting to the emergency clinic of our hospital with hemodynamic instability. CONCLUSION: Pneumopericardium that might develop due to blunt thoracic trauma can easily be diagnosed, may result in cardiac tamponade, and is a potentially fatal pathology without treatment. Keywords: Pneumopericardium, Trauma, Cardiac Tamponade, Fall


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