Spring 2009

ARYA Atherosclerosis5119700101TRANSIENT CORTICAL BLINDNESS: A MUST KNOW COMPLICATION OF CORONARY ANGIOGRAPHY5959ENFarhadFazelDepartment of Ophthalmology, Feiz Hospital, Isfahan University Of Medical Sciences, Isfahan.. fazel43@yahoo.comAliAbdalvand20101201Abstract    INTRODUCTION: This is a case of transient visual loss following trans-femoral coronary angiography in a 44 year- old man, which lasted for 2 days.    CASE REPORT: Ophthalmologic, neurological and radiological studies using physical exam and brain MRI showed no pathological finding.    CONCLUSION: Visual loss resolved completely without any sequel in 2 days. The leakage of contrast agent into occipital area of the brain could possibly be the cause.      Keywords: Complication of coronary angiography, Transient Cortical Blindness  


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