
ARYA Atheroscler9420130628The relationship between inflammatory markers, angiogenesis, and obesity247253ENZoyaTahergorabiMajidKhazaeiAssociate Professor, Department of Physiology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. khazaei@med.mui.ac.ir2013042920130511Obesity is recognized as a chronic low grade and systemic inflammatory disease. Angiogenesis is critical for adipose tissue expansion. Several evidences have demonstrated that angiogenesis sustains inflammation by preparing oxygen and nutrients for inflammatory cells and inflammation in turn can cause insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The understanding of mechanisms of obesity especially main roles of inflammation and angiogenesis in fat mass expansion can lead to therapeutic approaches in growing field of obesity and its related disorders. In this review, we studied the relationship between obesity, angiogenesis, and inflammation.   Keywords: Obesity, Angiogenesis, Inflammation 


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