
ARYA Atheroscler9520130909Suggested indications of clinical practice guideline for stem cell-therapy in cardiovascular diseases: A stepwise appropriate use criteria for regeneration therapy306310ENMohaddesehBehjatiIsfahan Cardiovascular Research Center, Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Institute, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. behjati@med.mui.ac.ir2013051520130629Despite astonishing progress concerning cardiovascular diseases, patients are still suffering from complications of acute insults. Due to reverse remodeling and improper myocyte rebuilding, heart failure has become a common problem these days which needs more powerful myocardial reconstructing strategies. Indeed, no option cases afflicted with non-healing peripheral vascular diseases; refractory stable and unstable angina is the other field with paucity of proper treatments. For these cases, stem cell-based therapies became optimistic treatment, but lack of guideline-based indications regarding stem-cell is still a major problem which limits application of these cells for such end-stage cases. Here, an outline of appropriateness criteria for stem cell-based therapy is suggested.   Keywords: Appropriate Use Criteria, Clinical Practice Guideline, Cardiovascular Diseases, Stem Cells 


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